By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2022-11-12

Numerous areas in the country are now experiencing winter. Winter ushers in many festivities, foggy mornings and chilly evenings. However, the season also brings several health issues, including respiratory infections. In addition to the colder climate causing health problems, illness transmission can speed up in the winter due to inadequate ventilation in congested areas.

As breathing comfortably in frigid temperatures may be difficult, those with pre-existing respiratory illnesses, including asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), may experience worsening symptoms.

Which respiratory conditions are more common in the winter?

Even though respiratory illnesses can strike at any time of the year, some are more common in the winter.

• The most contagious illness that occurs throughout the winter is the common cold, which more than 200 distinct virus types can bring on.

• Influenza also referred to as the "flu," is a viral illness that resembles the common cold but is more severe. In addition to body aches and congestion, flu sufferers also experience exhaustion and chest pain.

• The symptoms of bronchitis include swelling and inflammation in the lungs and airways. It frequently begins with the flu or a normal cold. The most typical sign of bronchitis is a chronic cough.

• Pneumonia causes the fluid-filled alveoli in the lungs, most frequently seen during the winter.

• Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, primarily affects young children and is extremely contagious. It manifests as intense, uncontrollable coughing.

Does the cold weather help respiratory illnesses spread?

The formation of mucus is slowed when cold air enters the nasal canal, claims a study that appeared in the journal Acta Otolaryngologica. The immune system is triggered when this microbe enters the nose canal and battles the invader. However, the study also showed that cold air significantly reduces this immune response, enabling the microbe to spread illness.

According to Harvard University research, when individuals spend more time inside during the winter when ventilation is poor, it is simple for sickness to spread among residents of a single home as they are all inhaling the same air as a person who is ill. Additionally, studies have shown that bacteria like E. coli, the poliovirus, and the influenza virus can survive for longer in the winter because of extremely low humidity levels.

Scientists have experimented on guinea pigs to better understand how the influenza virus spreads in varying temperatures and humidity levels. It was discovered that the virus could persist for longer than 23 hours at 43°F and with little humidity. However, the virus disappeared after an hour at greater humidity levels and temperatures exceeding 90°F.

How to improve your lung health this winter

The best and simplest way to safeguard against all illnesses during the winter is by washing their hands often with soap and water, avoiding touching their eyes, mouth, or nose, and keeping a distance from sickly people.

A person can also take the following actions to improve breathing and protect from winter illnesses:

• Our bodies fatigue easily in the cold because they are already working hard to maintain a proper body temperature. Layering warm clothing on the body would make it easier for the body to regulate temperature.

• Avoiding winter sinusitis by drinking enough warm water, keeping dust-free surroundings, and inhaling steam to clear congested sinuses and respiratory passages.

• Receive the flu shot each year to lower the chance of contracting the flu.

• Using multivitamins to aid in increasing immunity over the winter.

• Consuming lemon, orange, Indian gooseberry, and guava as they are foods high in vitamin C and help prevent respiratory infections.

• Practicing breathing exercises which are necessary to maintain lung function in those with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

• Avoiding early morning jogs if the air quality in your area is poor. During this time, the air is most concentrated with harmful air pollutants and can make breathing difficult.

• Drinking hot liquids, such as soups, tea, or coffee, to keep your body temperature stable.

• Stopping your house airways from drying out and using a humidifier.

• Seeing a doctor if a person experiences chest pain, difficulty breathing, weakness, a stomach ache, dizziness, or a persistent cough with a fever.


It is easy to avoid the onset of respiratory infections during the winter by taking all the essential precautions to improve lung health and breathing. You can ward off respiratory illnesses during the winter by eating a balanced diet, dressing warmly, getting the flu vaccination, and spending at least an hour in the sun.